2K Thoroughbreds proves a force at Ipswich

Saturday 16 June 2018, 1:22pm

The 2K Thoroughbreds syndicate has confirmed it is a new force in Queensland racing with a quinella in the Bundamba Two-Year-Old Handicap at Ipswich.

Michael Nolan-trained Unconditional ($10) beat the Chris Anderson-trained Tipping ($12) by 1-1/2 lengths on Saturday, with a further length to Parko ($3.40) in the 1100m race.

Unconditional and Tipping are owned by 2KT, which bought five horses at Magic Millions sales last year.

Syndicate head Sterling Cincotta says of the five horses, three have now won races.

"We have been very pleased with out first season. We opened our shoulders a bit at the Magic Millions sales and spent about $700,000," Cincotta said.

"We have 22 horses these days and looking to really expand."

Nolan was not at Ipswich but stable spokesman Michael Doxey said Unconditional would continue into the winter looking for more QTIS bonus money.


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