Craig Williams scores emotional Valley win

Saturday 16 June 2018, 5:48pm

Jockey Craig Williams has shed a tear after guiding Magic Consol to victory in a race named in his cousin's honour at Moonee Valley.

Williams won Saturday's Travis Harrison Cup on the heavily backed $4 favourite, which scored a runaway seven-length win.

Harrison was killed in a car accident while returning from birthday celebrations following a Moonee Valley meeting 22 years ago.

The Moonee Valley Racing Club holds an annual Travis Harrison Cup, which was first run as an apprentices' race but is now open to all jockeys.

Williams went close to winning the race last year on Magic Consol but was just touched out by Petrology.

"I'm usually in Japan at this time of year and it's a great compliment that the Moonee Valley Racing Club has continued the tradition of the race," Williams said.

"Even in the jockeys' room you see it and I think it's fantastic.

"Last year I got beaten on the same horse and I spoke to (trainer) Paul Preusker and I begged him to ride the horse in the race.

"It's a huge, huge thrill, not just for me but for the whole family."

One of the first to congratulate Harrison on the success was Travis' father, former jockey Kevin Harrison.

As Williams received congratulations from family members, Williams wiped away tears as he remembered his late cousin.

"When I saw my grandfather, they had family members go off to war so to see someone so young tragically taken, it's very sad," Williams said.

"That win today was very emotional and so special."


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