Straight to town for maiden winner Flogga

Monday 18 June 2018, 4:16pm

Trainer Frankie Stockdale is hoping the aptly named Flogga can live up to his name when he runs at Flemington.

Bought for $60,000 as a yearling, Flogga was to be resold at the breeze-up sales but bouts of shin soreness resulted in Stockdale and owner John Plozza retaining the gelding.

Following a debut win at Ballarat over 1400m earlier this month, Flogga heads to town for a heat of the Silver Bowl Series (1600m) on Saturday.

"We bought him as a breeze-up horse but when he breezed up we didn't get any money as he was very shin sore on the day, so we had to keep him," Stockdale said.

"He's going to Flemington on Saturday because the owner still wants to sell him so we'll have a throw at the stumps and see if we can get a phone call afterwards."

Stockdale said Flogga, by High Chaparral from Group One winner Dashing Eagle, was a stayer in the making noting the gelding required plenty of work to get him to the stage where he was ready to race.

"We had to geld him, not because of his attitude, but because he was too big and fat and it took forever to get him fit," Stockdale said.

"I trialled him, did a heap of work with him up the bush and the hills and worked him as much as any horse can be worked, but he still got fat.

"When we got home after his win at Ballarat I went and checked on the horses that night and he'd eaten his feed before the other horses."

Apprentice Lachie King takes over from Noel Callow on Saturday.

Saturday's meeting is a prelude to Flemington Finals Day on July 7.

Heats of the Taj Rossi Series, the A R Creswick Series, the Silver Bowl Series, All Victorian Sprint Series, the VRC-CRV Winter Championship Series, the Banjo Patterson Series and the Leilani Series will be held along with the David Bourke Provincial Plate.


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