Jim Byrne still in race for Ipswich title

Wednesday 20 June 2018, 5:25pm

Jim Byrne has kept himself in the race for his ninth Ipswich jockeys' premiership after he and arch rival Jeff Lloyd both rode a winner at the midweek meeting.

Ipswich is considered one of the three most important jockey premierships in Queensland because it is the major midweek track and all the top jockeys ride there.

Lloyd leads Byrne 135 to 114 in the Queensland title and 105 to 70 in the metropolitan race meaning he can't be beaten in either.

But at Ipswich, Lloyd leads Byrne 34 to 28 after Wednesday with five meetings remaining in the season.

Byrne has won eight senior premierships at Ipswich as well as three apprentices titles and is known as the "King of Ipswich".

Normally a six-win lead would mean Lloyd was the winner but he begins a week's suspension on Saturday night and also intends to travel to South Africa in late July to ride in the Duban July.

Byrne won on Felino Bel ($1.95) for the Bryan and Daniel Guy training partnership.

"No one rides Ipswich better than Jim," Daniel Guy said.

"That was a good win by Felino Bel because she had to come round them. She can head to an open three-year-old at Caloundra on Saturday week."

Lloyd turned in a near perfect ride to win on first starter Tziporah ($3) for Toby Edmonds.

"That's what you would expect from Jeff. We have given Tziporah plenty of time and trials (five) but she will go on from here," Edmonds said.


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