Colless rides for Waller in Group One

Thursday 21 June 2018, 4:43pm

Multiple Brisbane champion jockey Glen Colless makes his return to Group One racing at Doomben in the Tatt's Tiara.

Colless has been booked to ride the Chris Waller trained French Emotion in Saturday's 1350m-race for fillies and mares.

The winner of more than 1800 races, Colless has won the Queensland metropolitan title three times.

He has also won three Group One races with the latest the 2016 BTC Cup on Malaguerra.

For the past six months,Colless has concentrated on the Gold Coast on most Saturdays, riding for premier Sydney Waller who has a Queensland base.

He has been rewarded for his hard work for Waller with the ride on French Emotion.

The mare won the Group Two Queen of the South Stakes in Adelaide but was a well-beaten 14th in the Dane Ripper Stakes at Doomben two weeks ago.

The easy going Colless said he was looking forward to getting back into Group One company.

"Who wouldn't want to ride for Chris Waller in a Group One," he said.


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