Faultless Royal Ascot lead-up for Warrior

Friday 22 June 2018, 4:15pm

A faultless build-up has multiple Group One-winning sprinter Redkirk Warrior ready to perform on the big stage at Royal Ascot in the Diamond Jubilee Stakes.

Redkirk Warrior, who did his early racing in England and then Hong Kong, has won two Newmarket Handicaps and a Lightning Stakes at Group One level on the straight course at Flemington since joining the Lindsay Park stable in Victoria.

Redkirk Warrior has barrier two in the field of 12 for the straight track sprint on the final day of the famous five-day meeting in England on Saturday, while former Australian-trained sprinter Merchant Navy, who is now in the care of Aidan O'Brien, has barrier 11.

"All the reports are that he's been faultless since arriving," Redkirk Warrior's co-trainer Tom Dabernig said.

"His main gallop was last Saturday then he stretched his legs on Wednesday morning and all the indications are that he's handled the trip perfectly."

Redkirk Warrior has proven his effectiveness when fresh and the Diamond Jubilee will be his first start since winning his second Newmarket in March.

"It's always hard to know how you convert our form to theirs, but for us he's a terrific straight horse," Dabernig said.

"And hopefully if everything falls into place and he puts up his best performance, you'd think that would be good enough to be really competitive.

"But when you travel to the other side of the world you go in a little bit with conservative expectations."

Dabernig, who trains in partnership with his uncle David Hayes and cousin Ben Hayes, has remained in Victoria with the stable's big team of horses.

He will be at Flemington on Saturday when the stable has runners in eight of the nine races, before watching the Royal Ascot race in the early hours of Sunday morning (AEST).

Redkirk Warrior will be ridden by Frankie Dettori in the Diamond Jubilee.


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