Allan Reardon has finished as Queensland's chief steward but will be looking to continue as part of the industry.
Reardon had been head steward with the Queensland Racing Integrity Commission since it started three years ago after holding a similar position with Racing Queensland.
His contract finished on Saturday at the Sunshine Coast and he will be replaced by Singapore-based Peter Chadwick next month.
Daniel Aurisch will be acting chief steward until Chadwick starts.
Reardon's departure has not been without controversy after he gave QRIC Commission Ross Barnett a blast last month.
While many thought Reardon would leave immediately after criticising the QRIC he continued on in the role for the next two weeks.
It is understood Reardon and Barnett have not spoken in that time.
Reardon worked at Doomben on Wednesday and Caloundra on Saturday.
The Brisbane Racing Club gave Reardon a farewell last week which was attended by some of Australia's former top stewards including Ray Murrihy, Terry Bailey, Reid Sanders and Greg Rudolph.
"I feel I still have plenty to offer the industry so let us see what happens when the dust settles," Reardon said.