Skye needs luck for winning farewell

Wednesday 25 July 2018, 1:01pm

Popular jockey Skye Bogenhuber will need plenty of luck to go out a winner from Brisbane racing when she rides Sacred Rebel at Doomben.

Bogenhuber was a late replacement on Sacred Rebel at Caloundra last Saturday week and duly won with trainer Chris Waller rewarding her by retaining her to ride the gelding in Saturday's Three-Year-Old Handicap (1615m).

A five-time Toowoomba premier jockey who has ridden more than 600 winners, Bogenhuber is relocating to Scone.

She hopes to be settled in the NSW country centre, where she will ride for trainer Brett Cavanough, by the start of the new season next week.

Sacred Rebel runs in the last race of the day in the last race of the metropolitan season on Saturday.

But his chances took a nose-dive when he drew barrier 21 meaning if the emergencies don't start he will jump from 14.

Waller's Queensland manager Paul Shailer said at this stage Sacred Rebel would still run.

"Of course that can all change after Chris has a look at things. But he needs this run and the distance suits," Shailer said.

"He and Skye will just need some luck."'


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