Jumper upstages flat performers at Sandown

Wednesday 25 July 2018, 2:58pm

New Zealand trainer Emma-Lee Browne says she may keep fellow trainer Natalie Young to strapping duties after the win of Monarch Chimes at Sandown.

Browne has been staying with Young and Trent Busuttin at their Cranbourne stable on her return to Australia with Monarch Chimes.

Monarch Chimes competed in the early season jumps races, winning at Pakenham in April before running twice at Warrnambool, including the Grand Annual Steeplechase, during the May carnival.

The Mypunter.com.au Handicap on Wednesday was to be a nice pipe-opener ahead of the Crisp Steeplechase at Sandown on August 5 and the Grand National Steeplechase at Ballarat a fortnight later.

Young strapped Monarch Chimes when he was successful at Pakenham and again had the duties on Wednesday.

"Natalie's a good trainer over here and says she hasn't strapped a horse for ages, but she strapped him when he won at Pakenham and again today," Browne said.

"I might have to keep her on."

Browne, who trains in partnership with her husband David, was as surprised as most racegoers with the win of Monarch Chimes who started at $41 and scored a half-head win over former Irish galloper Irish Beat ($8.50) with Mirimar ($20) a neck away third.

"Obviously he was nice and well and that's why we came back over here," Browne said.

"A bit of our problem at Warrnambool was he was a bit too much on the bit and that's why we wanted to run him today.

"He has run the odd cheeky flat race but I just said to Jordan (Childs) to make sure he gets a good hit-out up that last bit in preparation for the Crisp.

"He's certainly done that well and has paid a few expenses as well."


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