Bayliss suspended for six weeks

Saturday 21 July 2018, 4:49pm

Apprentice Corey Bayliss has been suspended for six weeks after he admitted he failed to give short-priced favourite Tumbler every chance to win the Open Handicap at Doomben.

Tumbler ($2) ran second to Amanaat on Saturday after being held up for a run in the straight of the 1200m race.

Stewards charged Bayliss with failing to give Tumbler every chance to finish in the best position.

It was alleged Bayliss had failed to go to the outside from the 500m to the 400m and from the 400m to the 300m.

Chief steward Daniel Aurisch said stewards were not charging Bayliss with deliberately stopping Tumbler winning.

"If that was the case, we would have charged you with an even more serious offence," he said.

"We are saying your ride was not to the standard expected on a $2 favourite."

Bayliss pleaded guilty and was suspended for six weeks starting on Wednesday.


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