Lachlan King appeals Caulfield suspension

Wednesday 18 July 2018, 1:26pm

Apprentice Lachlan King is appealing a seven-meeting suspension for careless riding incurred at Caulfield.

Stewards suspended King on Saturday after finding him guilty of careless riding aboard Strike Force at the 1200m mark of a 1400m race at Caulfield.

The apprentice is currently serving another seven-meeting ban from Echuca on July 7 with his appeal against the decision and penalty of the Caulfield infringement to be heard on Friday by the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board.

As things stand, King's suspensions run until after the season-ending city meeting at Caulfield on Saturday week.

Fellow Victorian-based apprentice Fred Kersley has been sidelined by a shoulder injury he suffered while riding in a race at Geelong last Friday.

"As I was riding the horse out in the concluding stages of the race my left shoulder popped out of the socket," Kersely told RSN927.

"It was lucky enough to pop back in, but just that wear and tear around my shoulder joint, it's laid me off on the sidelines for a little bit."

Kersley will undergo a rehabilitation program and is hopeful he can return in about three weeks.


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