Pakenham meeting halted again due to wind

Tuesday 24 July 2018, 6:36pm

For the second week in a row, a race meeting at Pakenham has been called off because of strong winds.

Stewards made the decision to abandon the meeting after consulting with jockeys following the opening race on Tuesday.

A horse in the first race, Sei Bella, was declared a non-runner after it was established one side of the filly's starting gate had only partially opened before she went on to run fifth.

Racing Victoria said wind gusts of 70-80 kilometres per hour which were expected to increase during the afternoon impacted the safe operation of the starting barriers.

"In making their decision, stewards also considered the interests of owners and punters having reviewed the impact of the wind on runners in the opening race," RV said.

Trainers with runners in the abandoned races were given until 4pm on Tuesday to nominate for Mildura on Friday and Saturday and Caulfield on Saturday as late entries.


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