Fake urine jockey out for nine months

Friday 27 July 2018, 4:00pm

Central Queensland jockey Tasha Chambers has been disqualified for nine months after she admitted to providing a fake urine sample.

Chambers was stood down on June 28 when the sample she gave during no-notice testing at the Rockhampton races on June 24 was found to be inconsistent with human urine.

Stewards resumed an inquiry on Friday when Chambers made full admissions that she provided a synthetic urine product to stewards instead of her own sample.

Chambers was charged and then disqualified for six months for substituting the urine.

She was disqualified for a further three months for giving false and misleading evidence to stewards.

Chambers will serve her sentences cumulatively amounting to a nine-month disqualification.

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission boss Ross Barnett said while rare, it highlighted the lengths some racing participants would go to flout the rules of racing.

"Our stewards carry out no-notice testing to ensure participants are unaffected by substances to ensure their safety and that of other participants and for the welfare of animals," he said.

"In this incidence a jockey has deliberately falsified a urine test and she will now pay a heavy price for that, and we make no apologies for ensuring the safety of everyone involved in racing."


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