Brilliant Jet set for Tasmanian double

Saturday 28 July 2018, 1:24pm

Tasmanian galloper Brilliant Jet booked himself a second crack at the two biggest races in his home state when he won at Doomben on Saturday.

Brilliant Jet ($6.50) won a three-way slog from the 250m to score by a half neck to Ruling Dynasty ($7) with a nose to Tumultuous ($16) in the National Fire Industry Association Open Hcp (2200m).

The gelding won this year's Devonport Cup before being unplaced in the Hobart and Launceston Cups.

Trainer Aiden Nunn said those races were again on the radar for Brilliant Jet who scored his eighth win.

"He had no luck in either of the big Cups last time. Anthony Darmanin rode him in the Launceston Cup and said he should have finished at least third," Nunn said.

Brilliant Jet has been a great money spinner for Nunn, who is one of Australia's top polo players and follows the circuit up the east coast each year.

Nunn always takes one of two horses with him and Brilliant Jet has won in Tasmania, Victoria, NSW and Queensland.

His wife Sara is a part owner of the horse and also helps with the training duties while caring for the couple's seven month old son.

"I will be up here for a while yet with the polo season to go another eight weeks in Queensland and NSW," Nunn said.

"We might pop into Sydney on the way home for a staying race there with Brilliant Jet."

Winning jockey Taylor Marshall said Brilliant Jet had been headed in the straight but showed a lot of heart to win.


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