Late inclusion claims Country Cups Final

Saturday 1 December 2018, 3:44pm

Ron Stewart picked up a last-minute ride on Baker Boy before winning the Country Cups Final at Doomben.

Baker Boy was second emergency without a jockey but got a run when two horses above him were scratched from the race which was a final for 16 heats run across Queensland in the past two months.

The gelding did not win a heat but earned enough points to be an emergency for the race.

Trainer Brenton Andrew has only six horses in work at Gatton, which is at the foot of the Toowoomba range.

Baker Boy ($19) scored his 11th win when he beat Fabs Cowboy ($26) by a long neck with three-quarters of a length to Green Empire ($7)

"It is obviously a big boost for me. Even when he drew wide we felt he had a chance provided he jumped," Andrew said.

"Baker Boy ran second to Bergerac at Caloundra last preparation and Bergerac went on to win in Sydney. So he had some good form."

Stewart has been in fine form since returning from Mauritius three weeks ago and answered an SOS from Andrew to ride Baker Boy.

"It was a good strong win and he just kept giving in the straight," Stewart said.


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