Online portal for horse owners introduced

Monday 24 December 2018, 6:36pm

Racing Australia has introduced an online service for owners to remove the need for paperwork and duplication of information.

RA chair Frances Nelson announced the launch of on Monday.

"This is a significant day for the Australian racing industry," Nelson said.

" provides racehorse owners with a safe, convenient and unique ID to enable them to conduct their transactions online to save time and avoid the need to re-enter information provided previously.

"From late January active racehorse owners across Australia will over a 4-6 week period be asked to validate their accounts.

"As soon as their account is validated owners will be able to see their horse's details online, including nominations, acceptances, scratchings and results.

"When fully operational in April 2019, will be an online 'one stop shop' to enable racehorse owners to conduct transactions online.

"Until now, even something as straightforward as naming a horse involved paperwork which could require contacting up to 20 owners, a process that could be lengthy and confusing.

"My message to racehorse owners is simple: Racing Australia has listened to your concerns and acted to ensure the business of being a horse owner is made easier."

Owners will continue to have the choice to use the paper-based system.


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