Allan Reardon new Qld track assessor

Sunday 6 January 2019, 9:53am

Queensland's former chief steward Allan Reardon is confident his new role as a track walker can help the industry overcome a controversial problem.

Trainers and jockeys have been complaining for months about what they say are inaccurate track ratings at some TAB meetings.

In response, Racing Queensland has appointed Reardon to assess the tracks before race meetings.

Reardon retired in June after more than 40 years as a stipendiary steward in Queensland, NSW and Victoria.

He estimates he has conducted several hundred track walks in his time as a steward.

Reardon, who began work last week, emphasised the track ratings would still be the responsibility of the various racecourse managers.

"My job is to help them in assessing the rating. So far I have had no problems but it has been nothing but fine weather," he said.

"And it is keeping me fit."


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