Victorian trainer Eden handed 15-month ban

Thursday 14 March 2019, 6:00pm

Cranbourne-based trainer Shea Eden has been disqualified for 15 months and fined $2000 by the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary Board.

The RAD Board handed down its penalty on Thursday after earlier finding Eden guilty of stomach tubing Considering on the day it was due to race at Swan Hill in June.

Eden was disqualified for 12 months on that charge while the RAD Board also disqualified him for six months, three months of the penalty to be served concurrently, for attempting to dispose or destroy evidence.

He was fined in $2000 for the administration of sodium bicarbonate, an alkalinising agent, to the evening feed of Considering, Rosti and Bright Eyes on June 8 last year which was within one clear day of those horses scheduled to race.

The financial penalty also took into account Eden's failure to record multiple treatments and medications administered to horses in his care.

Stable employee Jamie Dentith was disqualified until the end of the season on July 31 after the RAD Board found him guilty to being a party with Eden to the stomach tubing of Considering.


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