Care To Think ready for Ramornie

Tuesday 25 June 2019, 1:06pm

Care To Think has taken a major step towards a return in the Listed Ramornie Handicap with a solid barrier trial at Deagon.

Murwillumbah trainer Matt Dunn had hoped to Care To Think could trial at Doomben last Thursday but the gelding was excluded when a large number of acceptances meant the day was restricted to Brisbane-trained horses.

Instead, Care To Think went to Deagon on Tuesday and finished second to speedster Devine Dice in a 1000m-heat.

Dunn said Care To Think appeared to have pulled up well after what was his first serious hit-out in six months, much of which has been spent recovering from throat issues which required surgery.

"The track was wet and Jim (Byrne) just sat on him early but he worked home strongly which is what we wanted," Dunn said.

"I probably won't trial him again before the Ramornie but I can give him a jump-out at home if need be."

The $160,000 Ramornie (1200m), one of country NSW's major races, is at Grafton on July 10.

Dunn has won many feature races in the Northern Rivers region and adjacent areas but is keen to win the Ramornie.

"We have won a lot of races in the area but to take the Ramornie would be special," he said.

Care To Think has earned almost $900,000, much of it from his win in the 2018 Magic Millions Cup.

He ran second in a Murwillumbah trial three weeks ago but Dunn feels the Deagon trial was a much bigger test.

"Races are different but I hope he can get back near his best," Dunn said.


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