Options in two states for I Am Queen

Tuesday 23 July 2019, 5:25pm

Co-trainers Trent Busuttin and Natalie Young will bypass the Listed Winter Challenge with last-start Rosehill winner Curragh but the stable could still be represented at the Sydney meeting by the mare I Am Queen.

Curragh is among the nominations for Saturday's Listed 1500m race after winning a benchmark race on a heavy track at Rosehill on July 13, but Busuttin said he would be saved for next week's $150,000 Coffs Harbour Cup.

Currgah finished second in the Coffs Harbour Cup (1600m) last year coming off a Warwick Farm win and Busuttin believes the race on Thursday week will again suit.

The stable has last-start Bendigo winner I Am Queen nominated for the fillies and mares benchmark-78 over 1200m at Rosehill and an 1100m handicap for fillies and mares at Caulfield on Saturday.

Busuttin said the four-year-old, who has a rating of 75, would be a dual acceptor.

"We'll see what the fields come up like," Busuttin said.

"At this stage I would say she would probably be likely to go to Sydney.

"She's the top-rated horse in that race. We've got Nash Rawiller booked and she's going to be racing horses that are rated 90-plus here in Melbourne.

"Barrier draws will be have a big factor, but it looks a nice race for her in Sydney."

Rawiller returns to race riding on Thursday at the Kembla Grange meeting in NSW having served a 15-month disqualification issued by Hong Kong authorities for accepting gifts or money in exchange for tips.

While Curragh will not be in action on Saturday, another son of Tavistock who formed part of a winning two-state double for the stable on July 13 will be.

Tavirun won at Caulfield over 2000m shortly before Curragh's Rosehill win and the three-year-old gelding is scheduled to step up to 2400m for the first time in a handicap against his own age on Saturday's Caulfield program.

Tavirun, who has won over 2000m at his past two starts, has 59.5kg but apprentice Teo Nugent has been booked for the ride and will claim 3kg.

"I thought he was very strong through the line last time," Busuttin said.

"I don't think there's any concerns about him getting the 2400."


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