Mare set to test Casino Cup fancy

Friday 9 August 2013, 11:28am

The superb formlines of After Baron will ensure he starts favourite in Sunday's Casino Cup but some of the hometown support will be for honest mare Villamill.

From his past five starts, After Baron has won three times and been placed twice.

From a good draw in barrier one with top apprentice Kirk Matheson aboard he will take no end of beating.

However, Villamill has the credentials to test After Baron after some consistent efforts which include a victory at the Grafton Cup carnival on Ramornie Handicap day.

Villamill has had one start since then for a fifth at Newcastle when she was charging to the finish line and should be suited by the step up to 1400m at Casino.

Trainer Peter Ball prepares his teams of horses at the old Gladstone track near Kempsey and his daughter Gaye is the mare's regular strapper.

"It was a strong race at Newcastle and some of the horses in that race have won in Sydney," Gaye Ball said.

"The step up to open class won't be a problem and I expect her to run well."

The feature race has attracted a strong line-up with Ideal Position heading the weights with 59kg while stablemates Horoscopes and Lake George represent Danny Bowen.


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