Oaks winner to kick-off in Toy Show

Thursday 22 August 2013, 2:01pm

Chris Waller is keeping his spring options open for Australian Oaks heroine Royal Descent but admits she may only have a limited Sydney campaign.

The mare is an odds-on favourite to make a winning return in the Group Three Toy Show Quality (1300m) at Warwick Farm, her first run since the Australian Oaks which she won by 10 lengths.

How many starts she has in Sydney after Saturday remains up for discussion with Waller preferring to see how she performs before locking in a plan.

Royal Descent holds nominations for both the Cox Plate and Caulfield Cup but Waller is mindful she has no experience racing in the Melbourne direction.

"We will take it one run at a time," Waller said.

"We will have a look at things and see if we want to get her down there (to Melbourne) earlier to get her used to it.

"At some stage we've got to get down there and find out where she's at."

Royal Descent competed exclusively in three-year-old fillies company at her only racing preparation.

The now four-year-old will step out against more experienced mares in the Toy Show Quality and will have to concede weight to them all.

She also has to contend with the outside barrier in the field of 10.

"She is fit enough to be competitive," Waller said.

"But she's got a big weight and an awkward barrier which might bring her back to the field a bit."

Waller has a strong hand in the Toy Show with stablemate Hidden Kisses on the third line of TAB fixed odds betting at $7.

The Gai Waterhouse-trained No Looking Back splits the Waller pair at $4.80.


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