Jarrod McLean disqualified for six months

Monday 9 December 2013, 6:54pm

Leading jumps trainer Jarrod McLean will be missing from the famous Warrnambool carnival after being disqualified for six months on a bicarb offence.

The Warrnambool-based McLean fronted the Racing Appeals and Disciplinary (RAD) Board in Melbourne on Monday and pleaded guilty to a charge relating to Prymslea returning an elevated TC02 (bicarb) reading in a post-race blood sample taken at Mildura on August 30.

Prymslea was found to have a TC02 reading above the allowable threshold 36 millimoles per litre of plasma.

The gelding was disqualified from his fourth placing.

McLean was also fined $2000 for not keeping accurate treatment records.

The trainer's disqualification starts on December 17 but he is not allowed to start a horse between now and the beginning of the ban.

McLean trains flat horses and jumpers.

The popular three-day Warrnambool racing carnival is run in late April and early May next year.

McLean won one of the jumps features, the Brierly Steeplechase, at Warrnambool this year with Cats Fun ridden by his brother Brad.

He also prepared Maythehorsebemagic to win the JJ Houlahan Hurdle and Australian Steeplechase at Sandown this year.


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