Chad Schofield back after 22-meeting ban

Tuesday 10 December 2013, 2:26pm

Apprentice jockey Chad Schofield already has his New Year's resolution.

Schofield says he is determined to cut down on the suspensions that have plagued his career since moving to Melbourne last year.

The Cox Plate-winning jockey returns from an enforced lay-off at Caulfield on Wednesday after copping back-to-back suspensions that kept him out of riding for 22 meetings.

He spent most of that time with his parents in Sydney giving his body a rest from the rigours of racing and relaxing on the beach.

Schofield, 19, has now totalled 41 meetings on the sidelines this season and he's determined to spend less time in the stewards' room in 2014.

"I went home and refreshed, had a bit of a holiday, and now I'm back and looking forward to getting into it," Schofield said.

"It was important to give my body a break and from now on I want to try to get less suspensions."

Schofield has four rides on David Hayes-trained horses on Wednesday, although two of them - Shoalhaven and Stellaglacier - are listed as emergencies.

"I have a couple of chances tomorrow and it would be good to kick off with a winner on Wawail in the first race," he said.

"I'll need a bit of luck but I'm confident."

Schofield, who rode front-running Shamus Award, was the first apprentice in nearly 40 years to win the Cox Plate.


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