Ringo set to stay in Melbourne for spring

Monday 14 July 2014, 5:47pm

Ringo will feature in a stable switch for a spring campaign after Saturday but his New Zealand trainer Mike Breslin hopes the gelding can first land a Flemington win in his name.

Breslin said the plan was to leave Ringo in Melbourne with trainer Mick Price.

Ringo, who finished fifth in last Saturday's Listed Winter Championship Final, is likely to back up in Saturday's 1600m Handicap but Breslin will monitor him in the next few days before committing to a start.

"He looks bright. I just weighed him and he only lost two kilos with that run on Saturday," Breslin said.

"He still looks very bright in the eye and everything and it was only his third run back in the Winter Championship Final. So I can't see why he couldn't back up.

"Then he's actually going to have a little break here and probably come back into work with Mick Price for the spring."

Breslin said the decision to give Ringo his chance at a Melbourne spring campaign with Price was in the best interests of the horse.

He said the other option was to take him back to New Zealand for Group One races at Hawke's Bay but he could not do both.

"He'll race on Saturday and then Mick can probably give him ten days off and then see how he comes up in the spring in Australia," Breslin said.

"If he comes up well he will obviously stay racing here.

"If he's not up to black type level in the spring he'll pop back over to New Zealand and run in some of our Group races around that Christmas period or a bit earlier."

Breslin hopes to send Ringo off a winner on Saturday.

"We won't run him unless we are happy with him, but that's the idea," Breslin said.

"He's only had three runs so I'm not too worried about the seven-day back-up."

Dwayne Dunn has ridden Ringo in his two Melbourne starts but Breslin said Harry Coffey would ride the son of Fastnet Rock on Saturday to utilise the apprentice's 2kg claim.

Ringo has 60kg in the race which has attracted 38 nominations.

Meanwhile, a two-year-old half-sister to Group One winner Samaready, Samartested, is scheduled to make her debut for Price in a 1200m race at Geelong on Tuesday.


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