
Nadeem Colt


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Sold for: $75,000

(GST status not known)

Nadeem (AUS) 2003
Weesmallhours (NZ) 2004
3 September 2009
Flinders 3929 VIC, Australia

This horse is being sold As Agent:

By: Musk Creek Farm

To be auctioned at:

2011 Gold Coast Yearling Sale, Lot 607
Gold Coast MC, 12-16 Jan 2011
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Dee Chomatek , Musk Creek Farm

7 musk creek rd, Flinders 3929 VIC, Australia

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Full catalogue pedigree

  Unnamed Bay colt 2009  

Redoute's Choice Danehill Danzig
Shantha's Choice Canny Lad
Dancing Show
Candide Sound Reason Bold Reason
New Tune
Country Flower Oncidium
Country Girl
Carnegie Sadler's Wells Northern Dancer
Fairy Bridge
Detroit Riverman
Midnight Madam Kaapstad Sir Tristram
Eight Carat
Midnight Lady Ivory Hunter
Lady Ritmar

By NADEEM (AUS) (B. or br. 2003) Stakes-winner; won 2 races and $747,500 Won MRC Blue Diamond S. G1; sire of SP The Aftershock; also winners Triple Asset, Bengal Angel, etc.

1st DAM

WEESMALLHOURS, by Carnegie (IRE). Unraced. Sister to PERLIN. This is her first foal.

2nd DAM

MIDNIGHT MADAM, by Kaapstad (NZ). 6 wins 1480 to 2500 m. and $55,686 Won CJC Great Autumn S. L. 2nd Southland RC Invercargill Gold Cup G3, AuRC Schweppes Welter H., AuRC Brightstone Cider H., WRC Jolly Miller Inn H., WRC The Timara Wines Super Series H. 3rd Counties RC South Auckland Racing Club Stayers Plate, WRC Hutt Valley Cartage H., WRC Virginia Turner Summer Cup. 4th Counties RC Auckland Thoroughbred Breeders' S. G2. Sister to MIDNIGHT BABE, Midnight Lass (dam of SKY FRONTIER). Dam of 9 named foals, 6 raced, 3 winners-

PERLIN (g by Carnegie (IRE)). 8 wins 1300 to 2200 m. and $827,150 Won BTC Doomben Cup G1, MRC Underwood S. G1, VRC Imperial Leather S. L, VRC 4 YO and Up H., VRC H., MRC H., MRC 1MW-LY H. 2nd Gold Coast TC Prime Minister's Cup G2. 3rd MRC 3 YO 1MW H. 4th VRC Craiglee S. G2.

MIDNIGHT BREAKER. 2 wins at 1400, 1600 m. and $21,217 in New Zealand. Producer.

MIDNIGHT QUEEN. 1 win at 1200 m. at 2 and $4,099 in New Zealand.

3rd DAM

MIDNIGHT LADY, by Ivory Hunter (USA). 6 wins 1000 to 1400 m. and $44,609 Won Hawke's Bay JC Anthony G Cavanagh S. G3, CJC Welcome S. L, Waikato RC James Sarten Memorial H. 3rd WRC Wellesley S. L. Sister to Ivory Lover (dam of Miss Geisha). Half-sister to Centre Isle (dam of Burglar). Dam of 9 named foals, 8 raced, 6 winners-

MIDNIGHT BABE (f by Kaapstad (NZ)). 5 wins 1000 to 2900 m. and $242,902 Won Sunshine Coast TC Anniversary Cup L, SAJC Stuart Crystal S. L, CJC Warstep S. L, QTC Dicey Reilly's St Leger. 2nd QTC Queensland Oaks G1, AuRC Autobahn Cafe H., WRC Cardinal Network 2YO H., WRC The Motor Guide H. 4th Wyong District Ag Assn TC Wyong Cup L, QTC Metropolitan H. L, Manawatu RC Manawatu Breeders' S. L. Producer.

MIDNIGHT MADAM (f by Kaapstad (NZ)). 6 wins. See above. Won CJC Great Autumn S. L. 2nd Southland RC Invercargill Gold Cup G3, WRC The Timara Wines Super Series H., WRC Jolly Miller Inn H., AuRC Schweppes Welter H., AuRC Brightstone Cider H. 3rd WRC Virginia Turner Summer Cup, WRC Hutt Valley Cartage H., Counties RC South Auckland Racing Club Stayers Plate. 4th Counties RC Auckland Thoroughbred Breeders' S. G2.

MIDNIGHT MAID. 3 wins at 1200, 1400 m. and $14,950 in Australia.

MIDNIGHT LADDIE. 1 win at 1100 m. and $4,539 in New Zealand. 3rd Waikato RC Protector Safety Supply H.

MIDNIGHT LASS. 1 win at 1600 m. and $3,060 in New Zealand. Dam of 6 winners inc.--

SKY FRONTIER (c by Senor Pete (USA)). 6 wins at 1400, 1600 m. and $612,464 Won Singapore Committee's Prize Sin-3. 2nd Singapore Raffles Cup Sin-1, Singapore Tiger Beer Triple Challenge Sin-3, Singapore Kranji Sprint Sin-3. 3rd Singapore Queen Elizabeth II Cup Sin-2. 4th Singapore Tiger Beer Triple Challenge Sin-3.

DARKSIDE LASS. 3 wins 1320 to 2100 m. and $59,586 Won QTC Marist College Foundation Class 6 Plate. 2nd QTC Skyy Blue Class 6 H. 3rd QTC Royal Children's Hospital Foundation Class 6 H., QTC Class 6 Plate.

AT YOUR PERIL. 1 win at 1600 m. and $6,597 in South Africa. Producer.

4th DAM

LADY RITMAR, by Taipan (USA). Unraced. Dam of 11 named foals, 9 raced, 6 winners-

MIDNIGHT LADY (f by Ivory Hunter (USA)). 6 wins. See above. Won Hawke's Bay JC Anthony G Cavanagh S. G3, CJC Welcome S. L, Waikato RC James Sarten Memorial H. 3rd WRC Wellesley S. L.

OUR RITMAR. 9 wins 1030 to 1250 m. and $48,775 Won SAJC Marooned Plate, VRC Hurricane H.

I'M HONOR HIGH. 9 wins 1200 to 1600 m. and $105,075 Won SAJC 4 YO and Up 1MW H. 2nd STC 4 YO and Up H., MVRC 1MW-LY H., SAJC NMW-LY H. 3rd MRC 1MW- Ly H.

JARNAC. 3 wins at 1600 m. and $72,048 Won Avondale JC Anzac Mile H. 2nd AuRC Endearour H. 3rd Avondale JC Burnside H.


PENNY REMUS. 2 wins at 1600, 1800 m. and $4,550 in Australia. Producer.

IVORY LOVER. 1 win at 1200 m. and $2,630 in Australia. Dam of--

Miss Geisha (f by Kala Dancer (GB)). Placed to 2400 m. 2nd WATC Belmont Oaks L. 3rd WATC Class 6 H. Producer.

PI MESON. 3 wins 1675 to 2200 m. and $39,948 Won WATC Conditions H. 2nd WATC Class 6 H., WATC 3 YO 1MW H. 3rd WATC Class 6 H., WATC Class 6 H.

Centre Isle. Started twice in New Zealand. Dam of-

Burglar (g by Housebuster (USA)). 6 wins 1150 to 1600 m. and $117,762 Won Avondale JC Avondale Sunday Markets H. 2nd Manawatu RC Challenge S. G3, Seymour RC Seymour Cup L, Hawke's Bay JC G R Kelt Memorial S. L, AuRC Oxford Trust Sprint. 3rd Waikato RC Sprint H. L, MRC 4 YO and Up H., AuRC KCC FM H. 4th Hawke's Bay JC G.R. Kelt Memorial L.