4th DAM
LOVE IN BLOOM, by Todman. 1 win at 7 f. at 2 and $2,100.
Won VATC Bentleigh H. Dam of 8 named foals, 7 raced, 5 winners-
GOOD LORD (c by Zamazaan (FR)). 19 wins 1400 to 3200
m. and $258,880 Won AJC Sydney Cup G1, WRC Wellington Cup G1,
WRC Wellington Cup G1, Rotorua RC Rotorua Cup G3, Pahiatua RC
Pahiatua Weight-For-Age S. G3, AuRC Alison S. G3, Waikato RC Queen
Elizabeth II Cup L, Waipa RC Rose Town S. L, QTC Sir Winston Churchill
S. L, Del Mar Eddie Read H. L, VATC Godby Welter. 2nd AuRC Air
New Zealand S. G1, VATC Toorak H. G1, WRC Trentham S. G2.
Turkman (c by Karayar (IRE)). 3 wins 1600 to 2100
m. and $14,230 Won VATC A R Blackwood H. 2nd VATC Stanley Plate L, VATC
Trenton H., MVRC Inverness H.
ZAAMAN. 9 wins 1600 to 2050 m. and $35,170 Won VRC
Ferndale H., VRC River H., VRC Fentona H., MVRC Australia Day H. 2nd VRC Edith Cavel
H. 3rd VATC Old Year H., MVRC Upfield H., MVRC Tullarmarine H., VATC Limerick H.
4th Ballarat TC Ballarat Cup L.
LORD GREYSTROKE. 11 wins 1150 to 1600 m. and $19,535
Won VATC Ungar H.
BLOOMENDAAL. 3 wins at 1400, 1600 m. and $4,984 in
New Zealand. Dam of--
Julia Pass. Started 4 times in New Zealand. Dam of--
San Julia (f by Famous Star (GB)). 6 wins at 1200,
1400 m. and $27,224 Won CJC Riccarton Park Function Centre H. 3rd CJC Great Easter
S. L, CJC Mairwool H. Dam of 3 winners inc.--
Angelic Ace (f by Kreisler (IRE)). 4 wins 1150 to
1400 m. and $34,865 Won AuRC Pinto Bonecrusher Club Sprint, Avondale JC Streamline
Freight H. 2nd AuRC Welcome S. L, AuRC Fireengine.Co.Nz Sprint, AuRC Sunday-Star
Times National Fashions in The Field H., AuRC Ellerslie 2000 Sprint, Waikato RC
Newstalk ZB H. 3rd AuRC Shop Newmarket H. L, AuRC Graeme Thomson H. Producer.
Amber Ace (f by Kreisler (IRE)). 3 wins at 1400 m.
and $20,278 Won Avondale JC Avondale Rsa H., Avondale JC Avondale Sunday Markets
H., Avondale JC Watties Baked Beans H. 2nd Whangarei RC Northland Breeders S. L,
Avondale JC Carters Albany Juvenile H., Avondale JC Gg Syndicate H. 3rd Avondale
JC Shell Ash Street Juvenile H., Avondale JC Carters Maiden H. Producer.
Tender Moments. Unraced. Dam of 4 winners inc.--
DESERT ACE (f by Desert Sun (GB)). 4 wins at 1200,
1400 m. and $54,253 Won AuRC Eclipse S. G3, AuRC Ford Courier H., AuRC
Swiss Deli H., AuRC Rodrigo de Triano Sprint. 2nd AuRC Pinto Sprint, AuRC Diamond
Bracelet Sprint, AuRC Centrepoint Fabrics New Mega Store H., Avondale JC Bell Tea
Juvenile H. 3rd AuRC Golf Today Sprint, AuRC Fireengine.Co.Nz Sprint, AuRC Windsor
Park Breeder of the Year Juvenile H. 4th Counties RC Counties Challenge S. L.
Siawasi. Started 6 times in New Zealand. Dam of--
Gaelic Lass. Started once in New Zealand. Dam of--
TUFF ENUFF (c by Markella (FR)). 10 wins 1600 to 2800
m. and $202,696 Won AJC AJC St Leger S. G2, Waikato RC F.R. Bodle Memorial
H. L, AuRC Bluebird Snackers H., AuRC Seagram's Gin H., VATC City of Springvale
Community H., Avondale JC (Andrews Housemovers) Improvers H. 2nd MVRC Frank Dempsey
H., Waikato RC Murray North H., AuRC Owens Group H. 3rd Waikato RC Waikato Gold
Cup G2, STC Lord Mayor's Cup L, AuRC Nathans Memorial H., Waikato
RC Nzts H. 4th WRC Wellington Cup G1, CJC New Zealand Cup G2.