Chrome shines in Meydan work-out

Wednesday 25 March 2015, 7:40am

Dubai World Cup favourite California Chrome has delighted his trainer with a work-out on the dirt track at Meydan.

Working under the floodlights on Tuesday, the chestnut cast a spectacular sight in front of camera crews and reporters who gathered for the exercise.

The 2014 Kentucky Derby and Preakness Stakes winner ran a circuit of the track, easily recognisable in the distinctive purple blinkers applied by Art Sherman who had arrived in Dubai shortly beforehand.

California Chrome will bid to follow in the hoof prints of nine previous American-trained World Cup winners that include such legends as Cigar and Silver Charm.

"My son Alan's been out with him every morning and said he came off the track bouncing this morning. He seems to be handling the surface well and this is an opportunity to run his race and put on a big show," Sherman said.

"We have to do everything we can to make sure racing survives."

Much has been said about the dirt surface that has replaced the Tapeta which was initially installed when Meydan opened in 2010.

"I'm not sure we wanted the deadly old Tapeta. California Chrome likes to hear his feet rattle - he wants the going firm," Sherman said.


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