Damp conditions a boost for Secret Garden

Thursday 26 March 2015, 11:15am

The prospect of a wet track has trainer Paul Nolan convinced Secret Garden can break the longest winning drought of her career on Saturday.

Secret Garden is headed for stud later this year and Nolan is determined she will go out with at least one more win.

The Stromberg Carlson mare has won seven races but the last of them came at Doomben in December 2013.

However, Secret Garden has rarely been far away from the winner in her 16 runs since.

Nolan said Secret Garden deserved to win another race and the Brazilian Beauty Handicap (2200m) could be it.

Doomben has been rated in the soft classification this week and more rain is forecast.

Nolan believes the conditions will be ideal for Secret Garden.

"She has been great for us and won nearly $250,000. But let's be frank she isn't getting any younger at rising seven years," he said.

"Her feet are pretty good but she really needs a soft track. What I have liked about her is that she has been trying in her races."

Nolan said Secret Garden had been looking for 2400m but the 2200m on Saturday would be perfect on a rain-affected track.

Apprentice Matt McGuren takes over from senior rider Michael Cahill who is resting after minor surgery.


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