Chris Symons out for up to four months

Thursday 18 June 2015, 11:38am

Jockey Chris Symons can remember nothing of the race fall at Bendigo that put him in hospital for four days.

Symons, Damien Oliver and apprentice Jye McNeil were involved in the spill which also resulted in Oliver being hospitalised with mild concussion.

Oliver was on Monday cleared to travel to the UK to take the ride on Wandjina in the Diamond Jubilee Stakes at Royal Ascot this weekend.

The impact on Symons has been more serious with the jockey suffering severe concussion, whiplash, a fractured shoulder blade and a compression fracture to his T6 vertebrae.

Symons saw Racing Victoria's medical consultant Dr Gary Zimmerman on Monday when he was ordered to undergo more scans.

"My recollection of the day is zero," Symons told Melbourne radio station RSN.

"I've lost all my memory from Thursday and Friday.

"Gary seems to think the main injury is the compression fracture to the T6 in my back which will take up to three months to heal.

"He said I could be between two and four months out of the saddle and the concussion takes time and rest to regroup."

Symons has watched a replay of the fall and considers himself extremely lucky.

"I would hate to see what my helmet looks like," he said.

"I'm tipping it was broken into bits as I hit head-first."

Despite the scare, Symons has vowed to return to the saddle once he receives a medical clearance.


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