Double gives Moody slim premiership hopes

Saturday 18 July 2015, 3:07pm

A running double at Flemington has moved Peter Moody to within striking distance of a claiming a fifth Melbourne trainers' premiership.

It followed a double at Moonee Valley on Wednesday and Moody now trails last season's premier trainer Darren Weir by five winners with three meetings left for the season.

Moody, who is facing cobalt administration and presentation charges, says Weir holds the upper hand and it will be difficult to make up the leeway, but will give it his best shot.

"If I was really serious about it I wouldn't have gone on a month's holiday," Moody said.

"I went on my first holiday in 20 years last year and enjoyed it and had another one this year. And I'll do it again next year."

Moody scored his double with Il Cavallo in the VRC Recognition Handicap (1000m) and Herstory in the Chicquita Handicap (1400m).

The benefit of race fitness shone through for Il Cavallo, bouncing back to winning form following a disappointing first-up sixth at Ballarat on July 1.

Moody said the three-quarter brother to Starspangledbanner took a lot of work but needed racing to bring him to the pick of fitness.

"It's a shame as he's a very valuable young entire and you like to try and preserve their record, but I just cannot get him physically fit without racing him," Moody said.

"He's got a nice race in him, he's a smart sprinter that has been hampered by minor injuries and his physical bulk."

Herstory was impressive racing away to her 2-3/4 length victory with Moody likely to now chase black type with the daughter of Commands.

The Moody double gave Dwayne Dunn back-to-back wins and moved him three wins clear of Craig Williams in the Melbourne jockeys' premiership.


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