Waller closing in on milestone

Sunday 17 July 2016, 3:09pm

As he rewrites the record books, the only bar Chris Waller has to get over is the one he sets himself.

The premier trainer had one winner at Rosehill on Saturday to remain in striking distance of his own Sydney record of 167-1/2 set three seasons ago when there were 124 metropolitan meetings compared to 115 this term.

With four meetings left, Waller is on 163 in Sydney and 209 metropolitan winners nationwide, 87 more than Darren Weir who last week set a Commonwealth record for overall winners in a season.

"The record is still within reach but I don't want to set the bar too high," Waller said.

"The key is to have a good start to the season. You need to be training winners in August and keep it going."

Elle Lou, the stable's winner on Saturday, could well be an August winner with the mare to be aimed at the Toy Show Quality.

But before season's end, Waller has some more ammunition including newcomer Thunder Down Under who finished midfield in a comfortable barrier trial at Randwick on Friday.

"It was a good trial and he will either run at Canterbury over 1500 metres on Saturday or 1400 metres at Rosehill the following week," Waller said.

"He has settled in well."

Thunder Down Under was trained in New Zealand by Stephen Ralph who retains a share in the colt.

Ralph had hoped to get him to the Queensland Derby but when it seemed he would not have enough prize money he changed tack.

The three-year-old came to Australia off the back of two wins over 1600 metres in New Zealand in June.

Waller is also ramping up the preparations of Group One winners Preferment and Who Shot Thebarman who will go round in a Rosehill barrier trial on Tuesday.

"Grand Marshal is also entered but he will probably wait another week," Waller said.


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