Two late NZ entries for Cox Plate

Wednesday 10 August 2016, 7:19am

What's The Story and Valley Girl have been added to the nominations for the Cox Plate.

The two New Zealand-trained horses were the only late entries when they closed on Tuesday.

What's The Story, runner-up in the New Zealand Derby, is prepared by Stephen McKee who won two Cox Plates with Sunline when he trained in partnership with his father Trevor.

Valley Girl, trained by Donna Logan and Chris Gibbs, is a Group One winner in New Zealand and ran second to Single Gaze in the Vinery Stud Stakes at Rosehill before finishing out of the money behind Sofia Rosa in the ATC Australian Oaks.

She returned a first-up winner at Ruakaka on Saturday.

Valley Girl has also been added to the entries for the Caulfield Cup with late entries to close on August 23.

Weights for the Caulfield Cup will be released on September 1 with first acceptances for the Caulfield Cup and Cox Plate closing on September 6.


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