Michael Freedman trains HK double

Monday 25 September 2017, 5:59pm

Michael Freedman has trained his first winner in Hong Kong and backed it up with another to claim a double at Sha Tin.

Endearing, ridden by Sam Clipperton, was the first of Freedman's two winners on Sunday with Chad Schofield riding Silverfield to victory.

Freedman, who was involved in the preparation of five Melbourne Cup winners as part of his family's business headed by his brother Lee, said Endearing's win gave him as much satisfaction.

"It's a big thrill," Freedman told the Hong Kong Jockey Club.

"I said to Sam when he came back aboard Endearing, it felt like winning a Melbourne Cup again.

,"That is the pinnacle for any Australian trainer, but winning the first race, that matched the feeling.

" It's nice with only our fourth runner to get a winner at Sha Tin.

"And to then add a second, it makes me think that we are starting to do things right in terms of our systems."

Freedman trained successfully in Singapore for several years and was established in Sydney when the offer came from Hong Kong for this season.

Lee Freedman has moved to Singapore with his brother Anthony taking over their Victorian business while Richard Freedman is training successfully in Sydney.

Riding honours at the Sha Tin meeting went to Schofield who rode a treble and another ex-pat Australian Brett Prebble who had a double.


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