Star Boy claims Highway Handicap

Saturday 10 February 2018, 3:39pm

Brett Cavanough isn't sure if Star Boy is a Country Championships prospect this year despite winning the Highway Handicap at Warwick Farm.

Star Boy ($6.50) was on speed throughout, kicked on the turn and held off the fast-finishing Under The Thumb ($14) to score by a short neck.

Cavanough said he was keeping his plans open for Star Boy despite a qualifying heat for the Country Championships being run on his home track at Scone.

"He's a big, strong horse on the way up, when he gets it right he's pretty handy," Cavanough said.

"The nominations will be overflowing for the heat. I've got probably two handfuls of them at the moment that are maybes," Cavanough said.

"He's definitely one of them but he's only a baby so we'll let the dust settle.

"He might be better than that, we might have bigger fish to fry and go to Queensland. The book's wide open there," Cavanough said.

Jockey Jay Ford says next year's Country Championships series might be a more realistic target.

"I think it's probably a bit too soon for him. I think he's up to that standard but mentally he a horse who's still six to 12 months away," he said.


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