Ben Currie horses moved to other trainers

Monday 6 May 2019, 2:05pm

About 26 horses have been moved from controversial trainer Ben Currie's Toowoomba stables with some entered by other trainers for upcoming meetings.

Currie is barred from nominating horses for meetings after Racing Queensland invoked Australian Racing Rule AR 55.

He has sought a judicial review of the decision which allows RQ to refuse his nominations without giving a reason.

Currie will also be sentenced this week after being found guilty of two counts of bringing racing into disrepute involving text messages.

Queensland Racing Integrity Commission chief steward Peter Chadwick said permission had been given for 26 horses to be transferred to other trainers.

"We will treat applications to move horses on a case by case basis," Chadwick said.

"You will see some of the horses have been nominated by other trainers for meetings later this week."

QRIC Commissioner Ross Barnett released a list of the trainers who had received horses from Currie's stables.

"Lindsay Hatch has received 15, Les Ross has four as does Alyssa Ross. Tony Gollan has got two horses and Cameron Bond one," Barnett said.

Currie has nearly 100 horses and more applications are expected as his position comes clearer.

There had been speculation Scone trainer Brett Cavanough would take control of Currie's stables but he has told QRIC he does not want to do so.

Currie still faces a further 40 allegations which QRIC hopes to resolve in coming weeks.


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