Pateman to take on US jumps stars

Monday 4 August 2014, 5:43pm

A chance conversation with a well-travelled New Zealander has led to top jumps jockey Steven Pateman getting a chance to make a splash in the United States.

Pateman will fly to New York on Monday to test himself against the best jumps riders in the US with rides at Saratoga next Wednesday and Thursday.

Kiwi jockey Craig Thornton secured the opportunity for Pateman through contacts gained during his successful stint in New York.

Pateman said the idea came up when he chatted to Thornton when the latter was in Australia recently to partner New Zealand hurdler Indikator.

"I just said I'd be keen to go but never really pushed it but Craig organised it for me so it's great," Pateman said.

"He was the leading jockey over there when he rode there."

Thornton rode former star Australian jumper Zabenz to win the Grade One New York Turf Writers' Steeplechase for Caulfield horseman Robert Smerdon in 2002.

Pateman hopes to get a ride in the 2014 edition of the $US150,000 event, which will be run on August 21.

Pateman says his initial discussions with Thornton led him to believe securing a mount in the feature steeplechase was a possibility but his first priority was to guide his two confirmed mounts around the tight Saratoga inside turf course next week.

"The jumps course there is only about 1400 metres around. It's like riding at Pakenham," Pateman said.

"My rides next week are in $70,000 (US) races and I'm told both are live chances."

Pateman's first trip to the US will serve as an audition in which the jockey hopes to secure a short-term deal to ride in New York at the end of the Australian jumps season.

"I hope to pick up a contract riding over there in October and November and this trip is all about making a good impression," Pateman said.

"It would be a great to get a couple of months riding over there when our season finishes."


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