Berry keen to add Melbourne spring glory

Tuesday 5 August 2014, 5:56pm

Tommy Berry got a look at the Cox Plate he hopes to be lifting up at Moonee Valley in October, but the star jockey is still unsure who he will be riding in the weight-for-age race.

Berry was at Moonee Valley on Tuesday for the release of nominations for the Cox Plate and Caulfield Cup where he is expected to be a leading player as he chases his first Melbourne Group One win this spring.

He will partner the John Moore-trained Hong Kong galloper Dan Excel in trackwork on Thursday in Sydney as he builds up to start his Cox Plate campaign.

Berry is also the jockey for the Gai Waterhouse-trained Carlton House and admits he would probably be his pick if he had to choose now.

He is a stable rider for Waterhouse in Australia and the trainer has been instrumental in his career while John Moore has been a big supporter of Berry's in Hong Kong where he has won Group One races in the past couple of years.

"They are two of my biggest supporters around the world and I'm grateful that I've got two horses that are going towards the race," he said.

"I'm sure it will all work itself out in time."

Berry will base himself in Melbourne while the main spring races are on to give himself the best chance to make as big an impact as he has elsewhere in the world in the past two years.

He has already won at Group One level in Sydney, Hong Kong, Singapore and Brisbane this year and is keen to add Melbourne feature races to his haul.

Sydney Cup winner The Offer is considered one of the leading contenders for the Cups and Berry said he had come back bigger and stronger.


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