Tapestry upsets Taghrooda in Group One

Friday 22 August 2014, 9:27am

Tapestry has ended the unbeaten streak of Taghrooda in the Yorkshire Oaks.

After Taghrooda's performances in the English Oaks and the King George VI And Queen Elizabeth Stakes, the latest Group One was expected to be little more than a warm-up for a probable challenge for the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe.

Halfway down the straight, everything appeared in hand with Paul Hanagan still to play his cards, but Taghrooda then found herself matched up against racing's most irresistible combination of Ryan Moore and Aidan O'Brien.

Tapestry (8-1) wore down the 1-5 favourite to win by half a length.

"She's come forward with every run and the last day in the (Irish) Oaks she stumbled coming out of the stalls and the saddle went out on her rump," O'Brien said.

"It was hard to believe she went the whole race with the saddle where it was and still just got beaten."

Taghrooda's trainer John Gosden said he was confident the filly would bounce back and head to the Arc.

"The winner is just one of those fillies that has come to herself at this time of year," he said.

"There was a lot of confidence behind her in the Irish Oaks and she had a problem with her tack, I believe.

"They've beaten the rest an awful long way, and she has just been outstayed.

"She's been in great form at home and barely had a race in the King George so there'll be no change to the plan, it will still be the Arc."

Taghrooda was eased from 4-1 to 10-1 for the Arc by Coral and is 8-1 with Ladbrokes.

Godolphin's Tasaday finished seven lengths third.


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