Zululand on trial for Golden Rose start

Thursday 28 August 2014, 5:06pm

The Golden Rose picture will become clearer for at least three Melbourne colts after Saturday's McNeil Stakes at Caulfield.

The Mick Price-trained pair of Jabali and Cornrow are both in contention for the Sydney Group One while trainer David Hayes will use the McNeil to test Zululand's Golden Rose credentials.

Zululand finished fifth first-up in the Vain Stakes when he was blocked for a run inside the final 100m before warming up late.

Under the set weights plus penalties conditions of the McNeil Stakes (1200m), Zululand has topweight of 58.5kg.

"He doesn't come in well at the weights but he's going very well," Hayes said.

"With an ounce of luck he should have gone close first-up and he looks like he's improved a bit.

"I really hope it's a fast-run race and he'll be powerful at the end. He's on trial for the Golden Rose."

Mick Price rates Jabali as the pick of his four McNeil Stakes runners.

But he says the horse is on notice to perform, as is Group One-placed stablemate Cornrow.

"One of them needs to really step up and be counted," Price said.

Jabali finished sixth as favourite in the Vain Stakes while Cornrow was ninth.

Nostradamus, a dual entry for the Run To The Rose in Sydney and the McNeil, holds favouritism for the Melbourne feature.

The only filly in the field, Novel Dancer, is on the second line of betting.


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