Chad Schofield banned for improper riding

Wednesday 17 September 2014, 7:03pm

Chad Schofield's spring carnival ambitions are in tatters after he was banned for 32 meetings for improper riding at Mornington on Wednesday.

The young jockey, who has had a tumultuous relationship with Victorian stewards, was outed for his ride on Saguaro in the W & P Truck Sales Handicap.

Stewards alleged Schofield turned his horse's head in when racing in a three-wide position without cover passing the 1100m, making contact with Michelle Payne's mount Something To Share and bumping her heavily twice.

Schofield finished in a position one off the fence at the 850m while Payne ended up near the rail.

While Schofield conceded the incident went on for too long, he didn't feel it amounted to improper riding.

"I don't believe it's fair to be charged with improper riding," Schofield told stewards.

"Michelle Payne has said it happens in most races and I can agree with her. Maybe not to the extent of this incident but improper riding, that's pretty rough.

"There wasn't heavy, solid contact. No-one was in danger."

Schofield will ride at Caulfield this Saturday where his mounts include Thought Worthy for owner Lloyd Williams in the Group One Underwood Stakes.

He will start his ban after that meeting and won't return until Caulfield Cup day on October 18.

A shattered Schofield reserved his plea and said he would consider whether to appeal the penalty.

Schofield only recently returned from a 27-day careless riding suspension.


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