Ethiopia preparing for another shot at Cup

Monday 29 September 2014, 4:44pm

Connections of 2012 Australian Derby winner Ethiopia are hopeful the stayer can line up for a third tilt at the Melbourne Cup.

Ethiopia will take a step closer to gaining a start in the famous race when he lines up in the Group Three Bart Cummings over 2520m at Flemington on Saturday.

The Pat Carey-trained stayer is not yet qualified to run in this year's race.

Ethiopia has run in the past two Melbourne Cups - finishing last behind Green Moon in 2012 before finishing seventh to Fiorente last year after striking trouble in the run.

The Bart Cummings will be Ethiopia's second run back from a spell after injury forced the gelding to head back to Western Australia to recuperate earlier in the year.

Before returning to Carey around three weeks ago, Ethiopia finished eighth in the Group Three Coolgardie Cup over 1760m at Kalgoorlie on August 31 and on his return to Melbourne he finished second in a Cranbourne 1550m barrier trial on September 22.

Carey said owner Trevor Delroy wanted the gelding back in WA so Dr David Murphy, from Murdoch University, could oversee the early stages of his preparation after injuries forced him out following two runs in the autumn.

"He's had some ongoing issues that needed sorting through and Trevor wanted Dave Murphy to oversee the early stages of his preparation," Carey said.

"He's had a long slow build-up and he's been back with me now for three weeks or so.

"He had a trial over a mile at Cranbourne the other day and pulled up good after it.

"He's not qualified for the Cup at this stage, but if he gets back to form he qualifies.

"The most important thing to us is to get him back into form. He's forward in condition and all being well I think he can get there."

In last year's Cup Ethiopia was the second Australian-bred horse home, finishing just behind Caulfield Cup winner Fawkner.

Carey said he he would be guided by how Ethiopia performed in Saturday's race before deciding where to head next.


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