Fast Facts on the Metropolitan

Wednesday 1 October 2014, 4:09pm


HISTORY: First run Randwick 1866 as "Great Metropolitan Stakes" over two miles (3200m). Tim Whiffler first to claim Metropolitan-Melbourne Cup double same year in 1867

DUAL WINNERS: Mooltan (1907-1908), Murray Stream (1945-947), Tails (1969-1970) and Hayai (1983-84)

METROP-MELBOURNE CUP: Became outstanding guide to Melbourne Cup during 1950s with Dalray (1952), Straight Draw (1957) and Macdougal (1959) winning Australia's most famous race


* Chris Waller will have five runners but David Hayes trains the favourite Spillway

* Christian Reith joins Joao Moreira as Hong Kong-based jockeys to ride in race. Reith replaces suspended Jason Collett on Newcastle Gold Cup winner Disclaimer. Moreira on Our Voodoo Prince for Waller

* La Amistad, Makybe Diva's three-quarter sister, racing for spring carnival credibility with Corey Brown riding for first time

* Handicaps raised 3.5kg, resulting in mere 2.5kg spread in weights


PATTERN: Travolta made pace in two lead-up races. Nothing changes for Gai Waterhouse's only runner. Deane Martin will also go forward. Expect Kingdoms to settle closer than in Kingston Town Stakes now that he has a better barrier. Run-on horses will be Bagman, Opinion and Disclaimer

FANCIED RUNNERS: Not a lot went right for Spillway at Caulfield. Trying to force way into Cups. Disclaimer has come good for Snowden stable, winning Newcastle Gold Cup. Iggi Pop made two runs last week while Bagman ran on against tempo in Hill Stakes


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