Waterhouse continues Breeders' Plate run

Saturday 4 October 2014, 1:56pm

Gai Waterhouse has continued her recent dominance of the Breeders' Plate, this time producing Vancouver at Randwick to beat odds-on favourite Sooboog.

The colt's win on Saturday in Sydney's first two-year-old race for colts and geldings for the season followed Law in 2013, Whittington (2012) and Pierro (2011).

While subsequent multiple Group One winner Pierro remains the benchmark among that quartet, Waterhouse says Vancouver is special and will make his presence felt during his juvenile season.

"He was so dominant all the way through. He will be a very special horse," Waterhouse said.

Tye Angland jumped Vancouver ($4.20) out in front with odds-on favourite Sooboog ($1.65) on his tail.

But try as he might, the brother to Group One-winning sprinter Snitzerland could not edge past Vancouver who kicked on the line to win by 1-1/4 lengths.

"He's a top little colt," Angland said.

"He switched off until the second horse came up outside me then he really put the bridle on and went on with it."

Waterhouse's youngsters will now go for a spell with Vancouver a Magic Millions yearling and possibly headed to the $2 million Classic at the Gold Coast in January.

"All my two-year-olds will go to the paddock," she said.

"There are no black-type races in Sydney until December. I don't what's happened to them."


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