Sizing Europe proves he has plenty left

Sunday 5 October 2014, 11:12am

Veteran jumper Sizing Europe brought the house down when he got up in the final strides to win the PWC Champion Chase for the fourth year running at Gowran.

Galway Plate winner Road To Riches looked to have the legs on his 12-year-old rival when he set sail for home six fences out.

However, Henry de Bromhead's stable stalwart steadily closed the gap in the hands of teenager Johnny Burke who was riding him for the first time.

Just behind at the final fence, Burke asked Sizing Europe (9-4) for a big leap and his mount responded to land running and cut down the evens favourite close to the line and score by a head.

"It was just incredible. It's like he's taking the Mickey, leaving it until the very end," de Bromhead said.

"Four years on the trot now back here. He winged the last, but I still didn't think he'd get up.

"It's great that it's happened. We just felt he wasn't ready to retire.

"He's rated 161 - they are hard to come across these guys. He's still loving it and you can see there he's got the heart of a lion.

Sizing Europe is in his ninth season of racing.


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