Olivier Peslier and Wertheimers split

Saturday 11 October 2014, 10:11am

Leading French jockey Olivier Peslier and major owners the Wertheimer brothers have brought their association to an amicable end after more than a decade.

Peslier has ridden as retained rider for the Wertheimers for 12 years, with the exploits of the wonder mare Goldikova the undoubted highlight of the partnership.

The 41-year-old was ever-present in the saddle during Goldikova's 27-race career, guiding her to a staggering 14 Group One victories including her hat-trick of successes in the Breeders' Cup Mile.

Other notable successes include Solemia's shock triumph in the Prix de l'Arc de Triomphe in 2012 and Intello's Prix du Jockey Club victory last year.

Pierre-Yves Bureau, racing manager for the Wertheimers, said it was the end of an era.

"We have decided to end the collaboration with Olivier after 12 years, but it is ending on very good terms, which is very important," Bureau said.

"It is the end of the cycle. Twelve years is a very long time and we all have great memories of horses like Goldikova, the Arc victory of Solemia and Intello's fantastic season last year.

"We have had many good moments and it has been a great collaboration."

Asked about a potential successor to Peslier, Bureau said no decision had been made.

Alain and Gerard Wertheimer are co-directors of the Chanel luxury goods empire and are among the leading owner-breeders in France with the majority of their 75 horses in training shared between Freddy Head, Andre Fabre and Carlos Laffon-Parias.

They were champion owners in France in 2012 and 2013 and have also been the leading breeders three times during their collaboration with Peslier.


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