Canterbury approved as quarantine centre

Tuesday 24 February 2015, 11:26am

The federal government has approved Canterbury as a quarantine centre just weeks before The Championships kick off in Sydney.

The facility, which will be used to quarantine, stable and train overseas runners competing at the showpiece carnival, can house up to 12 horses and includes an equine surgery and a digital security and surveillance centre.

There is also potential for expansion in the future.

Racing NSW CEO Peter V'landys said racing officials had worked hard to get Canterbury operational as a quarantine centre.

"The international visitors who have inspected the quarantine centre believe that it is one of the best in the world," V'Landys said.

"Although The Championships are only in their second year, with this quarantine centre they are well and truly on the world stage."

The centre will open on Wednesday to coincide with the arrival of four Japanese horses - To The World, Tosen Stardom, Real Impact and World Ace.

Multiple Melbourne Cup placegetter Red Cadeaux will join them in March, as will Hong Kong raider Dominant.

All six international horses are targeting races during The Championships which kick off at Randwick on April 4.


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