Noble Protector gets first Australian win

Saturday 14 March 2015, 7:25pm

Noble Protector has returned to racing in impressive fashion to claim her first Australian win in a Group Three at Flemington.

The Robert Smerdon-trained mare made a couple of spring cameos, including a second to Godolphin's star import Contributer in a 2000m race at Caulfield, before she was sent for a break after her fourth in the Queen Elizabeth Stakes at Flemington.

In her first start of her second Australian campaign, the Qatar Bloodstock-owned Noble Protector showed she is destined for better things as she raced to a 4-1/2 length win in Saturday's Schweppervescence Trophy (1600m) for fillies and mares.

Smerdon said Noble Protector, a Listed winner in the UK, was sent to Australia because she needs firm ground.

He is unsure how much deeper into autumn he will go with the import because he wants to have a crack at the spring carnival.

"It was good to get today out of the way, she's a Group winner here now and hopefully she'll keep climbing the ladder," Smerdon said.

"She's had time to settle in now and Craig (Williams) has said all along this time in that she feels like a different horse."

Noble Protector, the $3 favourite, sat just off the leader before taking over at the top of the straight.

She raced away to defeat Marianne with a short half head to Set Square third.


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