Blake Shinn to ride Kirramosa in Epsom

Monday 28 September 2015, 5:23pm

Kirramosa has firmed in Epsom Handicap markets with trainer John Sargent deciding the mare can be a force at the Randwick mile.

Sargent was originally going to step her up to 2000 metres for the fourth run of her campaign but the Epsom attrition rate and the likelihood of a fast-run race persuaded him to target Saturday's Group One race.

The TAB has turned the mare in from $26 to $15 with Winx the $2.80 favourite ahead of Tuesday's declaration of the final field and barrier draw.

"Blake Shinn will ride her in the Epsom," Sargent said.

"She's fit and well and will be suited by a hard run race."

Lucia Valentina is the $8 second favourite for the Epsom with Hong Kong-based Australian Zac Purton to take the ride on the Kris Lees-trained mare.

Purton lost his Hong Kong championship last season to Joao Moreira who will also be at Randwick to ride for Godolphin with Epsom contender Sweynesse ($15) among his mounts.

Winx's Chris Waller-trained stablemates Sadler's lake and Silverball are on the third line of Epsom betting at $11 alongside Entirely Platinum from Hawkes Racing.

If Epsom weights rise four kilograms as expected, Hooked will carry the minimum required topweight of 58kg.

The absence of the original heavyweights means Winx will have 57kg, well within the weight range of Hugh Bowman who put her through her paces between races at Rosehill on Saturday.

Godolphin import Magic Hurricane heads the market for the Group One Metropolitan (2400m) at $4.60 ahead of Almoonqith, a Group Three winner in Dubai at $8.

Trained by David Hayes and Tom Dabernig, Almoonqith is raced by Sheikh Hamdan, the younger brother of Godolpin boss Sheikh Mohammed.

Almoonqith is also entered for Sunday's Bart Cummings (2520m) at Flemington with the winner gaining automatic entry to the Melbourne Cup.


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