The Queensland Racing Integrity Commission has suspended the licence of Brisbane trainer Brad Smith for a contravention of his licence conditions.
Deagon-based Smith has been unable to attend some QRIC stewards inquiries due to ill health in recent months.
QRIC Commissioner Ross Barnett said Mr Smith failed to inform the Commission he was facing three criminal charges.
Smith has denied the charges and is expected to contest them in court.
"It must be made clear Smith retains the presumption of innocence and this action by the Commission in no way infers guilt in relation to the charges he faces," Barnett said.
However, Barnett said Smith failed to discharge his responsibilities of declaring his criminal charges to QRIC and the nature of the charges, which, if found guilty were exclusionary items to holding a licence.
"The charges relate to the alleged fraudulent sale of shares in a racehorse and the alleged forgery of transfer of ownership forms."
Barnett said he acted under QRIC's Thoroughbred Standard where the Commission could immediately suspend any licence where allegations or criminal charges required it to exercise a duty of care and to safeguard the integrity of the Queensland racing industry.
He said he acted in response to complaints from other industry participants.
Barnett said six horses listed as being in Smith's stables, must be relocated within seven days.